
Dragon vs. Dinosaur

Dragon VERSUS Dinosaur

Who wins?

Vote here!


DJ Listserv Reminder

If you are a current WQHS DJ, you MUST be on the DJ listserv. To sign up, send an email to wqhs-djs-subscribe@yahoogroups.com with 'subscribe' as the subject.


Fall Schedule

Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick)

The schedule is up in its full glory. Check it out (change the semester to Fall 2008), it's amazing. I'll wait for you to come back....

Nice, isn't it? Do you see your name there? No? Want it there? Then email the Supreme Schedule Emperor (Mike, can we change my title to that? PD is so boring.) with what open slot you want. For those already basking in the awesome power of being on the WQHS schedule, check to see if your info is speled right and you can still do your time slot.

New DJs: Expect an email from me relatively soon about getting trained in the ancient art of pushing colored buttons to get music to play to the entire world.

So that's that. The schedule is finally up. There will probably be a few changes in the coming days and we always want new DJs added. Tell your friends! Another great semester of WQHS programming is gearing up. Prepare yourself, World.

Adios Amigos,
