
Spring Schedule!

DJs! Listeners! Read Me!

  • The Spring 2008 schedule is now up on the schedule page. Exciting, I know.
  • For the listeners, take a look and see when your favorite shows are on and the plethora of new ones. Get ready for a semester of great programming on WQHS!
  • DJs, check the schedule to see when your show is. If you see a misspling or if something needs changing, please email me (programdirector@wqhs.org). There were a couple complications, so if you don't see your name on there and requested a show, email me ASAP with an open slot you would like to take or with a detailed list of when you could do a show and I will try and shuffle things around. If for some reason you can't do the slot you are in, email me ultra ASAP so I can take you out of that slot and let the others have at it.
  • New DJs: look for postings here and emails about training and the whole becoming a DJ process.
Happy New Year everyone! Much love, WQHS


Getting on the DJ listserv

Hey DJs! Just a quick note from your friendly station manager-elect: If you're not on the WQHS-DJs listserv yet, send an email with your name in it to: wqhs-djs-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and you'll be all set.



Thanks DJs for the wonderful general body meeting yesterday. We unveiled our kick-ass new T-Shirts, awarded a new DJ of the Fortnight, and elected a brand spankin' new Board.

First of all, huzzahs to Mike Murphy, who ascends to the dizzying heights of WQHS Station Manager. Start kissing up now by listening to Mike's show Cheese and Cereal, with the reigning Tech Director, Andrew Avrin.

And make way for the Promotions machine. Like the many-headed Hydra, we lost one co-director and sprouted three new ones. Sam McDermott held down the fort, and added the lucky winners: Katonah Coster, Trisha Low, and Molly Hude. Word!

Not to be outdone, like Germany reclaiming the Sudetenland (too soon?), Business Director doubled in size, with Lauren Mancuso and Kirsten Saracini getting on board.

To fill Mike's capacious shoes, a truly outstanding candidate had to step forward for Music Director, and Margot Wohl was up for the challenge.

Not to be outdone, amidst all the chaos, Ben Miller shook things up and stayed as Program Director.

So congrats to the new board. You guys rock. We were, however, unsuccessful with finding a new Webmaster. If interested, shoot an email to the new station manager.

And who could forget the DJ of the Fortnight? Hats off to Grace Ambrose and Sarah Stoecker, who wowed the board with their foot-stomping Saturday extravaganza, This Charming Girl. Keep up the good work guys; with exams coming up and the semester switching on us, who knows when we'll announce a new one....


WQHS Student Body Meeting


Tomorrow, Wednesday 5th December at 8pm, is the ever-important DJ body meeting, where we'll come together to sign up for next semester's show slots, elect the new board, and other fun things like that. It's in the Bodek lounge in Houston Hall, on the second floor. Make sure to bring $4 with you to buy one of the new WQHS t-shirts, and any friends you have that might be interested in student radio. Click on the link above to go to the Facebook event page. Anyone can run for the open positions on the board, and we really need the following:

Music Director
Promotions Team
Business Director / SAC Representative

We're also going to announce the final DJ of the Fortnight of 2007 - it may be you! There will also be an announcement about the closest thing we'll have to a WQHS party in 2007. BE THERE.
